The well-known beer brand has decided to revive its popular “The Hunt” promotion, in which seniors have the opportunity to find a bright orange can symbolizing the start of hunting season. Lucky consumers who find one of these cans hidden in 30-, 24- or 15-packs of Keystone Light will be eligible to win exclusive bright orange gear designed in collaboration with Realtree®, a company specializing in outdoor apparel, including jackets, shirts, a cooler and other prizes.

In addition to this, shoppers have the option to scan a QR code on any Keystone Light can, container or display in retail stores for a chance to win Realtree camouflage gear. This equipment is also available for purchase online. This contest will be active until November 30.

According to Mauricio Suarez, Keystone Light’s associate marketing manager, the decision to launch The Hunt responds to requests from the brand’s followers. He and his team share a passion for the outdoors and hunting, and see this game as a perfect way to revive that excitement around Keystone Light.

Keystone Light’s promotion, “The Hunt” featured a distinctive bright orange ticket as a way to connect with its fans. Earlier in the year, the brand gave consumers a chance to win a utility vehicle and also added a camouflage pattern to its primary and secondary packaging, which has become popular with customers.

According to Suarez, Keystone Light’s custom camouflage pattern was very well received by people and they are still getting requests to have it on their cans. “People loved the custom Keystone Light camouflage pattern, and we kept hearing that they wanted to see it on our cans,” Suarez added.

The Keystone Light beer brand had a very successful 2023 due to increased demand and strategic summer planning, Suarez explained. Sales of the beer increased 6% during the 13 weeks ended August 13 compared to the same period last year, according to data collected from convenience stores and other outlets by Circana.

With fall approaching and hunting season in full swing, Keystone Light has launched an advertising strategy focused on digital marketing, influencer collaborations and a big-budget in-store promotion program. All of this is aimed at maintaining momentum and remaining relevant in the market.
According to Suarez, his company’s main intention is to create genuine and sincere relationships with its customers. “We want to build true and authentic connections with our customers. Whether it’s retail tools, our partnership with Realtree or something exciting like ‘The Hunt,’ we can see that we’re doing it. The numbers tell the story,” Suarez concluded.