A new white paper published by the Aluminum Association, Targeted Trade Enforcement in Action: Common Alloy Aluminum Sheet AD/CVD One Year Later, highlights the progress made in the U.S. common alloy aluminum sheet market one year after the issuance of antidumping (AD) by the Commerce Department and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on imports of certain common alloy sheet from 16 countries.
Specifically, the combined AD and CVD margins calculated by Commerce range from 3.2 to 242.8 percent, reflecting the substantial extent of unfair trade that has occurred in that market. The aforementioned report further reveals a two-thirds drop in imports of common alloy sheet from target countries between 2019 and 2021 and more than $300 million in investment in the domestic market.
Charles Johnson, president and CEO of the Aluminum Association, notes that “the domestic market for common alloy aluminum sheet shows signs of significant recovery.” Shipments of common alloy sheet from U.S. producers increased by 24.4%, from 2.69 billion pounds in 2020 to 3340 million pounds in 2021.
Earlier this year, the Aluminum Association released a new economic impact study showing that the industry generates 164,000 direct jobs and $73 billion in direct economic impact. In addition, the industry has committed or invested more than $4 billion in U.S. manufacturing. over the last decade, including nearly $1 billion in the last year alone.