It served as food for British and Soviet soldiers during World War II thanks to its long shelf life in tin cans. after World War II, when countries were trying to rebuild and food was scarce. Decades later the Monty Python used the word insistently, which made it really popular.


Spam is a type of mixture of pork, sugar, salt and potato, which is quite similar to chóped. Its taste can not be said to be very good and it is also very salty.

Hormel Foods Corporation created the brand in 1937 to relaunch sales of its ‘spiced ham’. In fact, the official name comes from the words ‘Spiced ham’.


According to Wikipedia, it was released worldwide in 1957 and gained considerable popularity in the 1960s. It even pioneered the use of a built-in ring that eliminated the need for a can opener. Although it is manufactured in several locations, production in the US city of Austin, Minnesota is especially popular, to the point of being called ‘Spam Town USA’. In fact, in that city you can find the Hormel Spam Museum dedicated to the product.


There are other varieties of spam such as Spam Lite which contains a mixture of pork and chicken, and there is also another variety which contains only roast turkey allowing it to be a halal food, i.e. it is not forbidden by Islam. This variety is especially popular in Muslim markets, it also exists in a low-salt variety.

Overtime, this product has become a synonym forIt wasseen as a cheap ingredient in the West, but was seen as a “delicacy” in the Asia-Pacific region, which explains in part the Thesuccess of the brand over thelast few yearsyears. The company’s good performance was highlighted by Jim Snee, chairman of Hormel Foods, following the publication of the group’s results last year.

The recent success of the brand, now present inmore than 80 countries, has prompted Hormel Foods to consider an expansion of its product portfolio, which should hit the shelves in 2023.